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The mission of the Cape Elizabeth School Department (CESD) is to “empower students with the academic, personal, and social knowledge and skills needed to build fulfilling and engaged lives”. As the world changes, so too do the knowledge and skills demanded of our students. To ensure the continued success of our mission, it is imperative that existing programs and practices be regularly reviewed, evaluated, and revised.


  1. Each content area will develop curriculum that is aligned to the Maine Learning Results, including the Guiding Principles, and coordinated K-12.
  2. Administrators and faculty will be sensitive to changing conditions that may require modifications in curriculum.
  3. All programs and practices will be subject to ongoing review, evaluation, and revision to ensure that they meet the instructional need of students.
  4. The school system will undertake intensive curriculum development as needed and provide the requisite resources, including instructional materials and professional development.
  5. The Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent will take the lead in setting district curricular goals in accordance with state mandates, educational research, and community values and aspirations, and in developing plans to achieve them. Principals will be responsible for the implementation of curriculum in their schools.
  6. Curriculum development and revision will be accomplished with the appropriate involvement of administrators, faculty, students, community, and the Board.
  7. The Board will review and approve all substantive curriculum changes prior to implementation.
  8. The Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent will report annually, or as otherwise requested, to the Board on the status of curriculum.
  • 20-A MRSA §§ 1001(6), 6209
  • Ch. 127 § 5-7 (Me. Dept. of Ed. Rules)


  • June 9, 1992


  • June 1998


  • November 8, 2005
  • March 14, 2006
  • September 10, 2013


  • January 14, 2014


  • September 12, 2017