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A. Each standing committee shall meet at the call of its chair at a time and place to be designated in the call of the meeting.  Standing committee meetings shall meet as deemed appropriate and necessary by the Committee Chair for the committee to do its business. 

B. The chair of a standing committee, in collaboration with the Superintendent/designee, will establish the agenda for each meeting to promote the orderly flow of information and the effective operations of the Board and its standing committees.

C. Notice to the public of the date, time and place of a standing committee meeting and the agenda for the meeting shall be provided at least three days in advance and in a manner consistent with the Board’s policy and practice concerning notification of Board meetings.

D. The Superintendent may designate administrators or staff to serve in a liaison or advisory capacity and/or to provide information and/or resources.  

E. Any member of the Board, staff or public may attend a standing committee meeting, except as may otherwise be provided by Law, and may speak only at the discretion of the chair. 

F. The presence of a majority of the members of a standing committee shall constitute a quorum for voting purposes. Only the members of the standing committee may vote on agenda items.

G. In the event that the chair of a standing committee is unavailable for a scheduled committee meeting, the members of the standing committee will elect one of the members in attendance to act as chair for the duration of the meeting.

H. For any matter on its agenda, a standing committee may by majority vote of members present, or by consensus, agree to make recommendations to the full Board. Recommendations may be in the form of a proposed motion and/or a report. A standing committee may also forward a matter under discussion to the full Board with no recommendation.  

I. Standing committee reports will be included as an agenda item for all regular Board meetings.

J. Any item referred to a standing committee by the Board shall be reported on at the next regular Board meeting. The standing committee’s report should indicate work completed or progress made to date. The report may include the recommendation for continued standing committee study.  

K. Standing committee minutes, if prepared, are public information, subject to the Freedom of Access Law.

L. When practicable, allowable by law, and technology is available, standing committee meetings shall be recorded for public access and posted along with the meeting minutes. 


  • 1 M.R.S.A. § 401 et seq.

Adopted: December 13, 2022

Revised: October 10, 2023