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419 total results found

Cape Elizabeth School Board


Board Policies

These are the official Board Policies. Please click on the disclosure triangle (>) to review the specific policies in each area. You can also use the Search box above to search for topics.

DRAFT Board Policies

Collective Bargaining Agreements

Departmental Procedures

These are procedures that are not School Board Approved.

DRAFT Job Descriptions

This book is used for Draft job descriptions.


Job Descriptions

A comprehensive collection of the Job Descriptions for Cape Elizabeth School Department. For previous versions of the job descriptions or missing versions, please see the archived version at


CBA's - Archived

A. Foundations and Basic Commitments

Board Policies

The District's legal role in providing public education and the basic principles underlying school board governance. These policies provide a setting for all of the school board's other policies and regulations.

B . School Board Governance and Operations

Board Policies

The School Board - how it is elected; how it is organized; how it conducts meetings, and how the board operates. This section includes policies establishing the board's internal operating procedures.

C. General School Administration

Board Policies

D. Fiscal Management

Board Policies

E. Support Services

Board Policies

F. Facilities Development

Board Policies

G. Personnel

Board Policies

I. Instruction

Board Policies

J. Students

Board Policies

K. School/Community Relations

Board Policies

Business Services

Departmental Procedures

All things Business Service Related.

xx--BUS DRIVERS, CUSTODIANS, FOOD SERVICE, AND MAINTENANCE MECHANIC Bargaining Unit Agreement (July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2025)

CBA's - Archived

xx--PREAMBLE This Collective Bargaining Agreement made and entered into pursuant to Maine Public Employees Labor Relations Law Chapter 9A, Title 26 M.R.S.A., as amended, by and between the Cape Elizabeth School Board, hereinafter referred to as the Board, a...


Job Descriptions

Custodian, maintenance mechanic


Job Descriptions

Administration Job Descriptions

Athletic Department

Job Descriptions

Central Office and Technology Department

Job Descriptions

Co-Curricular Stipend Positions

Job Descriptions


Job Descriptions

Nutrition Services

Job Descriptions

Support Staff Positions

Job Descriptions

AC - Nondiscrimination/Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action

Board Policies A. Foundations and Basic Commitments

NONDISCRIMINATION/EQUAL OPPORTUNITY AND AFFIRMATIVE ACTION The Cape Elizabeth School Department does not discriminate on the basis of sex or other protected categories in its education programs and activities, as required by federal and state laws/regulatio...

ACAA - Harassment and Sexual Harassment of Students

Board Policies A. Foundations and Basic Commitments

HARASSMENT AND SEXUAL HARASSMENT OF STUDENTS Harassment of students because of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, ancestry or national origin, or disability is prohibited. Such conduct is a violation of Board policy and may const...

ACAA-R - Student Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Procedure

Board Policies A. Foundations and Basic Commitments

The Board has adopted these student procedures in order to provide prompt and equitable resolution of reports and complaints of unlawful discrimination and harassment of students, including sexual harassment, as described in policies AC – Nondiscrimination/Equ...

BBAA - School Board Powers and Responsibilities

Board Policies B . School Board Governance and Operations

SCHOOL BOARD POWERS AND RESPONSIBILITIES The School Board shall have general charge of all the public schools of the Cape Elizabeth School Department and shall exercise such other responsibilities as specifically provided by law. Members of the Board have au...

KBF - Parent Involvement in Title I

Board Policies K. School/Community Relations

PARENT INVOLVEMENT IN TITLE I The Board endorses the parent involvement goals of Title I and encourages the regular participation by parents/guardians in all aspects of the school system's Title I programs. For the purpose of this policy, "parents/guardians" i...

KCD - Public Gifts/Donations to the School

Board Policies K. School/Community Relations

The Cape Elizabeth School Board may accept, on behalf of the school unit and in accordance with state law, an outright gift or any gift in trust for a purpose it deems consistent with the district's mission and of significant benefit to the educational program...

Policy List

Board Policies

  CODE   Name of Policy Policy Last Revised / Reviewed   Notes AC Non Discrimination/equal Opportunity & Affirm Action 9/8/2020   ACAA Harassment and Sexual Harassment of Students 09/08/2020 ...

ACAB - Harassment and Sexual Harassment of School Employees

Board Policies A. Foundations and Basic Commitments

HARASSMENT AND SEXUAL HARASSMENT OF SCHOOL EMPLOYEES Harassment of school employees because of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, ancestry or national origin, age, familial status, genetic information, or disability is prohibited...

ACAB-R - Employee Discrimination and Harassment of School Employees

Board Policies A. Foundations and Basic Commitments

The Board has adopted these employee procedures in order to provide prompt and equitable resolution of employee complaints of discrimination and harassment, including sexual harassment, as described in policies AC – Nondiscrimination/Equal Opportunity and Affi...

ACAC - Service Animals in Schools

Board Policies A. Foundations and Basic Commitments

SERVICE ANIMALS IN THE SCHOOLS The Board recognizes that service animals may be used to provide assistance to some persons with disabilities.  This policy governs the presence of service animals in the schools, on school property, including school buses, and ...

ACAD - Hazing

Board Policies A. Foundations and Basic Commitments

Maine statute defines injurious hazing as "any action or situation, including harassing behavior, that recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental or physical health of any school personnel or a student enrolled in a school or any activity expected of a s...

AD - Educational Philosophy

Board Policies A. Foundations and Basic Commitments

Our Mission CAPE Schools open minds and open doors.   Our Vision We empower students with the academic, personal, and social knowledge and skills needed to build fulfilling and engaged lives.   Our Values   Community: We value the connections among ou...

AD-R - Change Model

Board Policies A. Foundations and Basic Commitments

School improvement work brings about changes in policies, procedures and practices. Some changes will be significant steps toward alignment with the Strategic Plan. Others will be significant in their broad impact on students, staff, parents or the community. ...

ADA - School District Goals and Objectives

Board Policies A. Foundations and Basic Commitments

The Board recognizes its responsibility to set goals for the efficient operation of the school unit. In discharging this responsibility, the Board will strive to ensure that the resources of the unit are directed toward meeting the educational needs of each el...

ADAA - School System Commitment to Standards for Ethical and Responsible Behavior

Board Policies A. Foundations and Basic Commitments

The School Board believes that promoting ethical and responsible behavior is an essential part of the school unit's educational mission. The Board recognizes that ethics, constructive attitudes, responsible behavior, and "character" are important if a student ...

ADC - Use of Tobacco Products and Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems

Board Policies A. Foundations and Basic Commitments

USE OF TOBACCO PRODUCTS AND ELECTRONIC NICOTINE DELIVERY SYSTEMS The Cape Elizabeth School Department is a tobacco-free zone. The Board recognizes that research shows that tobacco continues to be the leading cause of preventable disease and death in Maine a...


Board Policies A. Foundations and Basic Commitments

The School Board hereby adopts Maine's system of Learning Results, including the Guiding Principles, and the Maine Department of Education’s applicable rules. The Learning Results are intended to serve as a foundation for education reform, including the standa...

BBAB - Student School Board Representative

Board Policies B . School Board Governance and Operations

The Cape Elizabeth School Board recognizes the impact that its decisions have on the students who attend Cape Elizabeth schools. The School Board also recognizes the value of student voice in the governance of the school department. In order to provide for stu...


Board Policies B . School Board Governance and Operations

Selection Process: The following procedure shall be used in the selection and participation of student representatives to the School Board. Each April the Principal will notify sophomore students of the process for Student School Board Representative selec...


Board Policies B . School Board Governance and Operations

I will abide by the following code of ethics during my term as a Cape Elizabeth School Board Member: I will abide by the laws of the United States, the State of Maine, the regulations of the Department of Education, and the Cape Elizabeth Town Charter. I w...