Cape Elizabeth Special Olympic Team Coaches
- Maine State Criminal Check Approval
- Special Olympics of Maine Certification in Coaching for each sport
- Special Olympics of Maine Protective Behaviors Course Certification
- Special Olympics of Maine Volunteer Certification
- Experience working with kids with disabilities
- Good organizational skill, knowledgeable with behavior programming and communications skills
REPORTS TO: Director of Special Services
SUPERVISES: The coaches will be responsible for a team of 20-25 athletes in all three schools in grades K-12. The will also periodically supervise a small group of Middle School and High School peers/mentors during practices.
JOB GOAL: To provide an opportunity for students with disabilities to become active in sports and part of a team. To teach the rules of different sports, encourage sportsmanship, healthy competition and life-long physical activities.
- All Olympic meets throughout the year, both county and state meets which include bowling, soccer, winter games, basketball, swimming, county and state track and field. All necessary forms from the Cumberland County Special Olympics and state offices will be sent to the coaches who will then distribute appropriate information, health forms, and permission slips to athletes, parents, and case managers.
- Inform parents of athletes in all age groups of upcoming events and obtain all pertinent information and other appropriate resources needed for the athlete's successful participation in an Olympic event.
- Schedule practices for each event throughout the year.
- Recruit volunteers within the community; high school varsity athletes and students, parents, adults, school personnel and any community member interested to assist in the practices and events.
- Organize and enter athletes in specific events in each Special Olympic Meets.
- Organize transportation though Community services for travel to and from meets.
- Keep updated health forms and waivers.
- Coach and provide assistance where needed.
- Consult with classroom teachers regarding behavior programs needed to assist the athletes performance.
- Fundraising for entry fees, uniforms and incidentals.
- Provide supervised activities during unstructured time throughout each event.
TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT: Twelve months per year with compensation in accordance with the fee structure of the negotiated Cape Elizabeth Education Association agreement.
EVALUATION: The basis of the evaluation will be the extent to which the performance responsibilities of the job are successfully completed and the extent to which yearly job goals are met. Director of Special Services will perform the evaluation.
NOTE: The above job description reflects the general requirements necessary to describe the principal functions or responsibilities of the job identified and shall not be interpreted as a detailed description of all work requirements that may be inherent in the job, either at present or in the future.
APPROVED: November 9, 2010