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The Board acknowledges that in certain instances it may be necessary to have medication administered to a student while in attendance at school. The Board discourages the administration of medication on school premises where other options exist. The first dose of a newly prescribed medication should be given at home.


    The following procedure must be followed for any prescription medication to be administered for greater than 14 days to a student pursuant to a health care provider's order. Such an order must be obtained from a medical/health practitioner who has a current Maine license with a scope that includes administering medication.
    1. The parent/legal guardian shall obtain a copy of the Cape Elizabeth School Department Request/Permission to Administer Medication in School Form and Board Policy JLCD from the school health office or on the Cape Elizabeth School website.
    2. The parent/legal guardian and the student's health care provider shall complete and sign the Request/Permission form.
    3. The parent/legal guardian shall return the Request/Permission form to the school health office along with the medication:
    • In the original container (and in the case of prescription medication, appropriately labeled by the health care provider or pharmacy).
    • Including no more than the amount of medication necessary to comply with the health provider's order.
    • Medication no longer required (or remaining at the end of the school year) must be removed by the parent/legal guardian or the student with parent permission. Medication not removed by the parent/legal guardian in a timely manner shall be disposed of by the school nurse.
    • Students may be permitted to transport medication to/from school only when mutually agreed upon by the parent/legal guardian and school nurse.
    1. The school nurse shall review the Request/Permission form for completeness and clarity. If the nurse has any questions or concerns about the form, s/he will contact the parent/legal guardian, as appropriate for more information.
    2. If there is a later change in the medical order (such as change in dose, frequency, or type of medication), a new Request/Permission form must be completed.
    3. Medication orders should be renewed annually.
    4. The Board disclaims any and all responsibility for the diagnosis, prescription of treatment, and administration of medication for any student.
    Inhalers and Epinephrine Autoinjectors

Students shall be authorized to possess and self-administer emergency medication from an asthma inhaler or epinephrine auto injector if the following requirements are met:

  1. The student must have the prior written approval of the student's health care provider and, if the student is a minor, the prior written approval of their parent/guardian (see Request/Permission form).
  2. The student's parent/guardian must submit written verification from the student's health care provider confirming that the student has the knowledge and the skills to safely possess and use an asthma inhaler or autoinjector in school.
  3. The school nurse shall evaluate the student's technique to ensure proper and effective use of an asthma inhaler or autoinjector in school.

Glucagon and Insulin


Students with a diagnosis of diabetes shall be authorized to possess and self-administer insulin if the following requirements are met:

  1. The student must have the prior written approval of the student's health care provider and, if the student is a minor, the prior written approval of their parent/guardian (see Request/Permission form).
  2. The student's parent/guardian must submit written verification from the student's health care provider confirming that the student has the knowledge and the skills to safely possess and use insulin in school.
  3. The school nurse shall evaluate the student's technique to ensure proper and effective use of insulin in school.


A student with diabetes will be allowed to carry the emergency rescue medication, Glucagon, on their person or in their backpack to be available in case of a diabetic medical emergency. Staff will be trained to administer Glucagon.


Other Medications


High School students shall be permitted to possess and self-administer prescription medications in school on a case-by-case basis except for controlled substances. All such requests must be approved by the school nurse.



Students are not allowed to possess over-the-counter medications or prescription medications except as provided in this policy.


With prior parental/legal guardian permission on the Student Information Form (located in the parent PowerSchool portal), students may receive over-the-counter medications at school. The PowerSchool portal information must be updated annually.


No cough/cold elixirs or other over-the-counter medications, or any medications that differ from the Cape Elizabeth standing physician orders will be administered to students without prior written permission from a health care provider and the parent/guardian.



Field trip is an extension of the school day; therefore, medications to be administered on field trips will be in accordance with this policy.

  1. PERSONNEL AUTHORIZED TO ADMINISTER/DISPENSE MEDICATIONS Medications may be administered by the school nurse and/or by authorized unlicensed school personnel who have received appropriate training. Annual refresher training is required for all unlicensed personnel authorized to administer medications. The school nurse shall maintain appropriate documentation of training. Authorization to administer medications shall be made by the Superintendent based upon the recommendation of the school nurse.


To the extent legally permissible, school staff may be provided with such information regarding a student's medication(s) as may be in the best interest of the student.

    1. All medications shall be stored in a secure space in the school nurse's office and locked at all times except during the actual administration of medication.
    2. Clearly marked containers are provided for daily medications and those to be taken as needed.


A Medication Record Book shall be maintained by the school nurse/designee, including the Request/Permission Form and individual medication records for each student to document the administration of all medication (dose administered, by, whom, date, time and any errors).

Scheduled medications will be counted by the school nurse and one other adult (e.g., parent/guardian, school secretary) when received.


The Superintendent/designee shall develop any administrative procedures necessary to implement this policy and as required by Maine Department of Education Rules.


  Maine Department of Education Rule Chapter 40

  28 CFR Part 35 (Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990)

34 CFR part 104 (Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973) 

34 CFR Part 300 (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) 

Cross Reference: IHOA - Field Trips and Other Student Travel


Adopted: February 11, 2014

Revised: December 12, 2017