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The School Board encourages the active interest and involvement of parents and citizens in the public schools. Parents and community members are welcome to visit the schools to become better informed about the day-to-day operations of the schools and to learn about the educational process and school activities. Reasonable access to classrooms, activities and school functions will be accommodated whenever practicable. In order to avoid interruption of the instructional program and to promote the safety of students and staff, building principals shall institute administrative procedures concerning visitors to the schools. Such procedure shall be subject to the approval of the Superintendent. It is understood that procedures may vary from school to school due to differing considerations such as the age of the students and building layout and location.

The following generalGeneral guidelines shallwill be incorporatedused in allallowing building-levelvisitors administrativeto proceduresthe concerning

  1. The term "visitor" shall apply to any person on school grounds or in school buildings who is not an employee or student of the school unit.unit and is able to provide a legitimate school-related reason for being present in a school building or on school grounds. Visits to the shcools by memebers of the public or the Board shall not be for the purpose of evaluating teachers or curriculum, monitoring teaching methods, reviewing lesson plans, observing students, or interviewing school employees.

  2. All visitorsvisitors, including parents, school volunteers, substitute personnel, vendors, contracted service providers, Board members, and members of the public, shall report to the main office upon arrival at the and must receive approval from the principal/designee to visit the school. This section shall not apply to parents or citizens who have been invited to the school for an open house, performance or other preplanned school program.

  3. All visitors who wish to visit classrooms, observe aspects of the instructional program or meet with staff members are expected to schedule such visits at least 24 hours in advance. Teachers and other staff may not use instructional time to discuss individual matters with others.visitors.

  4. Individual School Board members shall follow the same procedures as other visitors, and state whether they are visiting the schools on personal business or in connections with Board duties.

  5. Visitors

    are prohibited from videotaping or otherwise electronically recording students or staff. This does not apply to recording of activities that are open to the public and not protected by copyright laws.

  6. Visitors shall comply with all applicable Board policies and school rules. Visitors who violate these policies/rules and /or disrupt the safe and orderly operation of the school shall be asked to leave the premises.

  7. The building administrators/designee has the authority to refuse entry to school grounds or buildings to persons who do not have legitimate, school-related business and/or who may disrupt the operations, compromise the safety or welfare of students or staff, or otherwise interfere with the orderly operations of the schools. This may include, but not be limited to, the news media, vendors, profit-making businesses, fundraisersfundraisers, charitable and other solicitations (except as otherwise permitted by Board policy) and other persons or organizations seeking access to students and/or staffstaff.

  8. School staff shall report unauthorized persons on school grounds or in school buildings to the building administrator/designee. Unauthorized persons shall be directed to leave the premises immediately.

  9. The building administrator/designee may request the assistance of law enforcement as necessary to deal with unauthorized persons or violations of the law by visitors to the schools.

  • 20-A MRSA ยง 6804

Cross Reference:


  • October 9, 1984


  • February 14, 1995


  • June 1998


  • May 12, 2009