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This policy is intended to support the physical, social, and emotional well-being of students and to promote healthy, enriching, and safe co-curricular and extracurricular opportunities for all students. Participation in the school department’s co-curricular activities and extracurricular activities is a privilege, subject to compliance with eligibility rules and conduct expectations. As representatives of the schools, students are expected to exhibit appropriate behavior at all times.


Eligibility Requirements:

  1. Maine Principals Association (MPA) and other sponsoring organization’s requirements.
    In addition to the academic eligibility requirements summarized below, students participating in school athletics must also meet all eligibility requirements of the MPA for participation in athletics (see applicable sections of handbook on the MPA website: http// For other activities, such as admittance into the National Honor Society, any eligibility requirements of the applicable organization must be met.
  2. Academic Eligibility:
    1. Covered Activities: This eligibility policy applies to all athletic and to most extracurricular activities supported by an advisor stipend. A list of activities to which it applies shall be published in the school handbook each year.
    2. Checkpoints and Criteria for Eligibility: Eligibility status will be checked four times each year, with the dates published on the school’s calendar and communicated annually to students and families. In order to be eligible for continued uninterrupted participation in covered activity, the student must be passing a minimum of five classes.
    3. Length of Ineligibility: Ineligible students and the families of those students will be notified of their status by an email from the school sent no later than two weeks after the checkpoint date. Ineligibility will commence from the date of the email and will continue for two weeks except if athletes are between seasons at the time notification is sent, athletic ineligibility will commence with the beginning of the next athletic season. During the ineligibility period, students may practice or otherwise participate in the activity, but they may not compete in countable contests or perform at events and competitions.
    4. Two Special Situations: (a) All 9th grade students will begin the year as eligible for covered activities, and (b) eligibility at the end of the year will be determined by year-end grades, not fourth checkpoint or semester grades.
  3. Other Athletic Eligibility Requirements:
    1. Before a student may participate in cocurricular/extracurricular activities, the student must have (a)  a signed parent/guardian permission form, and (b) a co- curricular/extracurricular rules acknowledgement form signed by the student and their parent/guardian.
    2. Students in 9th and 11th grade must also have documentation of a physical examination within the calendar year submitted no later than two weeks before the start of preseason. All High School students are required to submit a health questionnaire signed by their parent/guardian each school year.
    3. A student athlete and their parent/guardian must inform the coach in writing prior to a season if the student is on a travel or other sports team during the season. A student may not participate in two school sports in one season. A student may change sports during a season only with the consent of both coaches and the Athletic Director.
  4. Attendance Expectations:
    1. Participants are expected to come to school ready to learn on all scheduled school days. Any student who misses a portion of the school day unexcused may not participate in co-curricular or extracurricular activities that day. In order to participate in a game, practice, or other activity, a student must arrive at school (or their school-approved program) no more than 15 minutes after the start of classes and remain in school for the entire day. The only exceptions are for pre-scheduled medical appointments, driver’s license tests, or other similar appointments. The Maine Principals Association requires that student athletes have regular attendance and actively participate in team practices and competitions.
    2. A student who misses an athletic practice in order to receive extra academic help or make-up work in academic subjects will not be penalized in regard to game playing time status.
    3. Any school disciplinary consequence such as detention has priority over co- curricular or extracurricular activities.
    4. Students suspended from school shall not practice, participate, attend, or compete in co curricular or extracurricular activities.
  5. Conduct Expectations:
    Other improper conduct by students at school or out of school, whether or not covered by specific Board policies and school rules (including criminal activity) shall be reviewed by the administration. The administration will determine whether any consequences such as suspension from co-curricular or extracurricular activities and/or forfeiting of leadership positions and/or honors is warranted, based on facts of the particular case.
    1. Students are required to abide by all Board policies, school rules, and any additional rules and/or training guidelines imposed by coaches and advisors. Any additional rules and/or training must be consistent with Board policies and be approved by the administrator.
    2. Student use of alcohol, drugs, or tobacco is illegal and negatively affects student health, safety, and performance. Students participating in co-curricular and extracurricular activities carry a responsibility to themselves, their fellow students, coaches, advisors, parents and school to set the highest example of conduct sportsmanship and training, which include avoiding any involvement with alcohol, drugs, and tobacco. Therefore, students participating in co-curricular and extracurricular activities may not engage in prohibited conduct described in Policy JICH (Student Use of Alcohol, Drug, Tobacco, and Other Prohibited Substances) at any time or place from the beginning of the student’s first co- curricular or extracurricular activity of the school year (including pre-season) thorough the end of the school year (including any tournaments, championships, and associated activities).
      1. A student may self-report a violation of this policy to an administrator within two school days and not forfeit the opportunity to participate in co-curricular or extracurricular activities. This option is only available once in a student’s high school career. A self-report may not be made after the school has received a report of a possible violation. The student must meet with a school social worker or guidance counselor and comply with any action plan developed. If the student fails to comply, the disciplinary consequences below may be imposed.
      2. The following consequences are in addition to any other consequences imposed for violations of Policy JICH. Consequences carry over to the next season, activity, and school year as necessary. Students will be referred to a school social worker or guidance counselor and must comply with any action plan developed or face additional consequences.

        Students under team/activity suspension may attend activities or practices, but may not dress or play in a game or other activity of the particular team, club, or group.
  6. First Violation in a School Year
    Athletics - Forfeit participation in the next two accountable contests if the team has fewer than ten total contests in a season excluding playoffs or the next four countable contests if the team has ten or more countable contests in a season, excluding playoffs. If the student is not involved in athletics at the time of the violation or there is not enough contest remaining, this consequence carries over to the next athletic activity in which the student participates.

    Other Activities - Forfeit participation in the next two competitions, performances, or major activities of the group. If the student is not involved in activities at the time or there are not enough activities remaining, then the consequences carry over to the next activity in which the student participates.
  7. Second Violation in a School Year:

    Athletics - Forfeit participation for the remainder of the season and postseason activities. If there are fewer than eight/four countable contests remaining at the time of the violation or the student is not involved in athletics at the time, the consequences shall carry over to the next athletic activity in which the student participates.

    Other Activities - Forfeit participation in all competitions, performances, or major activities of the group for three months. If the student is not involved in activities at the time or there are not enough activities remaining, then these consequences carry over to the next activity in which the student participates.
  8. Third Violation in a School Year:

    Forfeit participation in all activities for the remainder of the school year. If the offense occurs within three months of the end of the year, the consequence carries over to the first quarter of the following year (or whenever the next time a student wishes to participate in activities).

  9. Other improper conduct by students at school or out of school, whether or not covered by specific Board policies and school rules (including criminal activity) shall be reviewed by the administration. The administration will determine whether any consequences such as suspension from co-curricular or extracurricular activities and/or forfeiting leadership positions and/or honors is warranted, based on the facts of the particular case.

  10. Students are responsible for all equipment and uniforms issued to them by the school. The cost of replacing damaged or lost equipment/uniforms will be the responsibility of the student. Students may only wear uniforms and use equipment in connection with the activity for which it was issued. Students may not try out for or participate in new activities until all equipment and/or uniforms have been returned and paid for.

 Cross Reference:

  • JICH- Student Use of Alcohol, Drugs, Tobacco, and Other Prohibited Substances
  • JICH-R- Student Use of Alcohol, Drugs, Tobacco, and Other Prohibited Substances Administrative Procedure
  • JIC - System-Wide Student Code of Conduct
  • JLCA - Physical Examination Requirement and Sharing Information Between School and Home 
  • JJIBB - Sportsmanship



  • October 9, 1984


  • October 11, 1994
  • September 10, 1996
  • March 10, 1998


  • June 1998


  • May 11, 2000
  • May 8, 2001
  • November 18, 2014
  • May 10, 2016
  • October 10, 2017