The procedure for proposing the adoption, review, revision or deletion of a school board policy shall be:
- The Policy Committee is
chargedresponsiblewithforreviewing,recommendingdeveloping,policy actions to the Boards for its consideration, including adopting new policies, revising existing policies, andrecommendingdeletingpolicies,obsoleteamendments,policies.and- Individual
boardBoard members,otherBoard standing or advisory committees,members ofthepublic,Superintendentandortheothersuperintendentinterestedshouldperson may submit policy suggestions and concerns to the Board Chair, who will forward them to the Policy Committee. - The Policy Committee, with the assistance of the Superintendent/designee, will review and research policy suggestion and prepare draft policies, as appropriate.
- The Superintendent/designee shall notify the Cape Elizabeth Education Association (CEAA) of any new, proposed or revised educational policy, and the Superintendent/designee and Policy Committee shall
havemeet and consult with theresponsibilityassociationtouponreviewrequest. - As
research each suggestion in accordance with board policies, procedures and guidelines. If deemed necessary and appropriate, the Committee will prepare drafts and make recommendationsappropriate to theentireparticularboard.Anytopic,schooltheboardPolicymemberCommittee mayenteralsotheseekadoption,inputrevision,from other affected persons and/ordeletiongroups.
revisions.a.andofa - Individual
- Recommended new and revised policies and recommendations for policy deletions shall be placed on the agenda of
anya regular Board meetingwhenfor a first reading. Board members shall receive the policy and the PolicyCommittee,Committee'safterrecommendationshavinginhadadvancefull opportunity to considerof themember’smeetingsubmitteddate. - Any
failschangestoagreedrecommenduponaction satisfactory toby themember.b.BoardAt an appropriate stage induring thepolicyfirstconsideration, the Policy Committeereading shallinitiatebecontact with the representative teacher organization to provide opportunity to meet and consult regarding any proposed new or changed educational policy, in accordance with Title 26 MRSA, section 965.1, C.Upon recommendationmade by the PolicyCommittee, a regular meeting agenda shall include the first reading of a new proposal, revision, or deletion of policy. Discussion may take place on the substance of the policy proposal. Any changes agreed to by consensus shall be madeCommittee prior to the second reading. - At a subsequent
regularbusinessmeeting,meeting of the Board within two business meetings (or a later meeting if so agreed by the Board), the policy shall be placed on the agenda for a second reading and action. Amendments may beintroducedmade and acted upon. Ifa main motion to approvethe policy is notpassed at such a meetingapproved byamajorityvote of the whole board,vote, the process for that policy is ended unlesslimitedadditionalthetimeBoardis requestedagrees toobtain further information for furthertable considerationby adoptionof the policy to a specific date. - Approved policies become effective immediately unless the motion to
tableapprove thepolicy.policy includes a specific implementation date. UponNoticeapproval,ofpolicies/revisions/deletionsnew and revised policies will be provided to affected groups (i.e., school staff, students, parents) through a means determined by the Superintendent.- The Superintendent shall retain copies of all policies deleted from the Board policy manual for future reference.
- An up-to-date policy manual shall be
disseminated.maintained in the Superintendent's Office and on the school district's website.
Cross Reference:
- January 14, 2003
- March 8, 2005