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TITLE: Teacher


    • MaineBachelor's Departmentdegree ofin Educationeducation, aspsychology, Teachercounseling, andor otherrelated legalfield; credentialsmaster's requireddegree to be “Highly Qualified” according to State and Federal standards.preferred

    • Holds degree(s) required in area to be taught.

    • Hold a valid state of Maine Criminal History Record Check (CHRC) approval.approval

    • Certification in mindfulness education or equivalent training in mindfulness-based interventions
    • Minimum of 3 years of experience working in education, preferably in middle school settings
    • Demonstrated experience and proficiency in mindfulness practices, with a strong personal mindfulness practice
    • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to effectively engage with students, parents, teachers, and administrators

  • Strong

    REPORTSleadership TO:abilities, Buildingincluding Principalthe and/orability Directorto inspire and motivate others and lead collaborative initiatives

  • Knowledge of Specialchild Servicesand


    JOBdevelopment GOALS:


    Aand teacherpractices

  • is
  • Cultural competency and sensitivity to the diverse backgrounds and experiences of students and staff members, with a trained,commitment certifiedto promoting diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in all aspects of the work
  • Patience, empathy, and compassion in working with middle school-aged students
  • Commitment to ongoing professional whodevelopment worksand tolearning ensurein thatthe allfields of education, mindfulness, and DEI

    The Middle School Mindfulness Coordinator leads our school's mindfulness initiatives and promotes the well-being of our studentsstudents. developThe ideal candidate will have a strong background in education, mindfulness practice, leadership, and a commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), with a passion for supporting the knowledge,social, skills, behaviors,emotional, and attitudesacademic todevelopment becomeof successfulmiddle individualsschool-aged and citizens. A teacher has the knowledge and skills needed to prepare effectively for instruction and other student services, deliver appropriate instruction and service to students, evaluate student progress, manage student behaviors with effective classroom strategies, and apply themselves to their own professional growth.students.


    CEMS Principal 


      • Leading

        Establishesmindfulness appropriatefor instructionalour goals5th graders which helps to set them up for success as they roll into their adolescent years.

      • Working with technology integrator to co-lead 6th grade Technology Class centered around learning how to use technology applications for learning and relatedbuilding objectivesmindful consistenttech withuse thehabits.
      • system
      • Cultivating equitable and inclusive learning environments through a wide curriculum and the Maine Learning Results.

      • Prepares instructional plans and materials incorporating principles of effective instruction.

      • Creates, selects, or modifies instructional plans and materials to accommodate learner differences.

      • Provides a clear description of the learning task and its content.

      • Monitors student understanding and re-teaches as necessary.

      • Communicates oral and written information effectively.

      • Fosters a classroom culture of caring and respect.

      • Maintains an evaluation programvariety of student workleadership programming.

      • Organizing and participationleading crucial Tier I programming designed to support students in feeling connected, supported, safe, and welcomed at school in order to improve outcomes in SEL, behavior, executive functioning, and academics. Examples include programming like a school wide advisory system and specific SEL programming during W.I.N. ("what I need").
      • Leading parent engagement and community outreach efforts to strengthen support networks for our young adolescents rooted in mindfulness.
      • Growing staff's capacity to embed mindful practice into their classrooms by leading Mindful Moments during staff PD, supporting general PD around building advisory programming, and working collaboratively to support teacher planning.
      • Driving school level DEI work amongst staff
      • Be responsible for any other tasks that regularlymay monitorsbe theirassigned.
      • progress

      TERMS anOF accurateEMPLOYMENT:

      Twelve month year, with actual salary, benefits, and up-to-datework manner.

    1. Maintains official grade reports as prescribedset by Schoolthe Board policy.of Education through contract negotiations and appropriate policies.

    2. EVALUATION:  
    3. IncludesThe a variety of techniques for monitoring student progress in their evaluation program. This will be evidenced by a combination of some or all of the following: written tests, writing assignments, classroom performance, individual projects, oral reports, daily observations - anecdotal records, individual conferences, common assessments, diagnostic testing, standardized testing, portfolios, etc.

    4. Challenges students’ high level of thinking skills as partbasis of the evaluation program.

    5. Assesses whether students have met the articulated learning targets grounded in the district curriculum and Maine Learning Results with an assessment program that is consistent with the district’s comprehensive local assessment system and meets the requirements of validity and reliability tobe the extent requiredto bywhich Mainethe law.

    6. responsibilities
    7. of

      Analyzesthe assessmentjob resultsare successfully handled and the extent to refinewhich curriculumyearly action plans and teachingjob techniques.goals are met. The Middle School Principal will perform the evaluation.

    8. The

    9. Cape

      CommunicatesElizabeth studentSchool progressDepartment basedexpects onthat assessmentall resultsemployees towill parentsperform assigned duties diligently, professionally and students on a regular basis.

    10. Establishesefficiently and maintains appropriate learner behavior.

    11. Establishes and maintains a classroom climate conducive to learning.

    12. Makes effective use of available resources.

    13. Improves their own professional skills and knowledge.

    14. Establishes and maintains a professional leadership role in improving education.

    15. Reflects on their own practice for the purpose of improving student learning.

    16. Maintains a satisfactory record of their own attendance in their profession.

    17. Completes assigned tasks on schedule.

    18. Provides clear, detailed plans for substitutes, aides, and other professional or paraprofessional staff.

    19. Arrives on time for class, meetings, and other scheduled activities.

    20. Works and communicates effectivelycompliance with all staffdistrict members.

    21. Adheres to student IEPs.

    22. Attends staff meetingspolicies and serves on staff committeesprocedures as required.

    23. Performs other dutieswell as assigned.



    Applicable terms of the Cape Elizabeth Education Association agreement.


    Performance of this job will be evaluated in accordance with provisions of the School board policy and/or action on Supervisionfederal and Evaluationstate of Professional Staff.laws.


    The above job description reflects the general requirements necessary to describe the principal functions or responsibilities of the job identified and shall not be interpreted as a detailed description of all work requirements that may be inherent in the job, either at present or in the future.

    School Board Approved:  May 8,14, 20072024